the  joy group

The JOY Group (Just Older Youth) is our Seasoned Citizens Group that meets monthly (Third Saturday) in the Fellowship Hall for a meal, devotion & sweet fellowship!  

We are on the road constantly; whether it's a day trip, weekend or a special week trip.

Pastor Sammy McLamb and his wife, Ms. Louisa, lead this wonderful group of Seasoned Christian Citizens!  They are

assisted by Joy Brooks, Mike Mills, &

Aron Rodgers.

Join us on Saturday, March 15th, 

@ 4:00 pm. 

We will meet at Mayfair.

Trip to the billy graham library

On Saturday, September 16th, some of the JOY group went to the Billy Graham Library for the Journey of Faith tour & lunch.  They had a wonderful time together.

Catered dinner

On July 16th, the JOY group was blessed with a catered meal from SmokePit.  There was a wonderful devotion which was presented by Pastor Sammy as well as Bingo games with prizes after dinner.  

This is for folks ages 55+.  Please feel free to join us whenever you can.  Bring a friend.

You will truly be blessed!!

day trip to south carolina 6/17/23

On Saturday morning, June 23, the Seniors got on the bus for yet another adventure. They headed to Hartsville, SC to have a buffet lunch at Pam's Country Kitchen.  To say that it was delicious is definitely an understatement!  After lunch, we headed to Young's Fine Foods to sample all types of pecans.  Needless to say, the workers needed to restock their shelves when we left.  The final stop of the day was at McLeod's Farms.  Everyone ended the day with something peachy and/or ice cream of at least one of the many flavors they offer prior to returning home.  It was definitely 'nap time' after that.

Can't wait to see where the next trip will be.

trip to the carolina opry 2022

A Christmas Outing was enjoyed by these folks, who are a special part of the Trinity J.O.Y. GROUP (Just Older Youth).

Thankful for safe travels and a wonderful time, as they enjoyed The Carolina Opry Christmas Show, Cracker Barrel and a stop on the way home at Sparky's for sweets & treats.